Inclusive Access

Inclusive Access is a textbook model that delivers digital learning resources, such as an e-book and courseware, usually through the Learning Management System (Canvas).

The cost is significantly reduced, and the materials are available on or before the first day of class. The “inclusive” aspect of the model means that every student has the same materials on the first day of class. Inclusive Access charges are placed on a student’s account and becomes a part of their tuition bill.

Each student receives an email from the Raider Shop on the Wednesday before the course begins with the information needed to be successful in the Inclusive Access Program.

The email will contain:

  • Course name, professor and access codes, if the publisher requires them.
  • Course cost and length of time you have the material available to use.
  • Opt-out date, which is the last day to opt-out of the material before being charged on your student account for the course materials.

You will receive information from your professor with their individual course code, if needed, in class or on their syllabi.