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Item Count: 0
Sub-Total: $0.00

Textbook Buyback

What determines the price one receives when a textbook is sold back?
1. Textbooks adopted by professors for the following term and when inventory is needed are bought back during the end of semester buyback at 10% above market buyback value.
2. Textbooks not adopted for the following semester OR if the DCTC Bookstore has met its purchase quota on books adopted for the following semester will be bought back at the current wholesale value. That price is determined by national demand, edition status, and inventory at the wholesaler's warehouse.
3. Whether or not the book has all its pieces (CDs, kits, etc., if applicable). The DCTC Bookstore does not buy back examination, desk, professor or other complimentary copies of textbooks from professors nor international copies of books. We will not buy books with water or other excessive damage. Books with excessive damage that are shipped to us or our buyback partners will be returned. If you have questions about the condition of your book for resale, contact us for further information.

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Inver Hills Community College, a member of Minnesota State
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